Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time management for creative people - Mark McGuinness

Came across this e-book purely by chance. Just finished reading it. Quite a few useful tips there! Mark Guinness has nicely summarized a few tools that are immencely helpful in managing time so that one can avoid wasting time on unimportant things and focus on greater commitments, both on official and personal front.The chapters in this e-book, which provide a good insight to time management are as follows:
  1. Why you need to be organised to be creative
  2. Prioritize work that is "important but not urgent"
  3. Ring-fence your most creative time
  4. Avoid "Sisyphus effect" of end-less to-do list
  5. Get things done by putting them off till tomorrow
  6. Get things off your mind
  7. Review your commitments
What I like most about his theory is that it helps you manage your time in such a way that you have time to do everything, both your office job and creative work. I have not tried it our myself though.

It seems to be working extremely well for people who do(or try to do in my case) creative work, hence drew my attention.

I'll try to put to use points that are practicable for me and post the feedback here.

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